....statistics on Canada's Lotto Max Lottery by


Are you one of those lottery players who firmly believe that your birthday numbers or other special Calendar days are going to win the lottery?

You would think that with Seven Numbers to draw, the ODDS are poor for Lotto Max to only have Calendar Day Numbers (1 to 31) for the MAXMILLIONS. And you're right! So far, the ODDs are very slim.

All the winning numbers for the MAXMILLIONS with only Calendar Days since Lotto Max started are shown in the following Table along with the Date they were drawn and the SUM of their numbers.

1 TO 31

Pecentage of Total Drawings where
all Numbers were from 1 to 31
was 3.4 percent

1235141625Jun, 201066
12311132627Jul, 201583
1257202931Mar, 201495
1259162931Mar, 201293
1267161926May, 201877
131216202930Dec, 2018111
14613192123May, 201887
14910151727Dec, 201383
141316252731Oct, 2018117
15611121525Jan, 201775
1579101726Sep, 201775
161317182529Jun, 2010109
1789101526Nov, 201176
17813152022Jun, 201886
17825262831Mar, 2011126
181119202528Aug, 2010112
181316212930Apr, 2011118
191314182024Mar, 201199
1101316222527Dec, 2017114
1111215162729Jun, 2015111
1121315172729Mar, 2011114
1192023283031May, 2018152
2367112529Apr, 201183
2389132229May, 201586
23922252831Jun, 2010120
231120232529Nov, 2011113
25710222628Apr, 2011100
25811162531Dec, 201898
25923262931Mar, 2011125
251118242529Apr, 2017114
26910151930Dec, 201891
27912182431Nov, 2013103
281115162028Jun, 2015100
291321283031Oct, 2015134
2101115202122Nov, 2012101
2121319273031Jun, 2012134
2121418202627Mar, 2012119
3457192228Dec, 201888
34512152331Oct, 201593
34814202430May, 2018103
35813142329Aug, 201095
351011121524Jun, 201880
351217253031May, 2018123
36811142631Feb, 201499
37914273031Jul, 2015121
382528293031Nov, 2018154
3101215182031Aug, 2016109
3101319212328May, 2012117
3101523242629Dec, 2018130
3111415222527Nov, 2016117
3121315202629Feb, 2016118
3141517222730Jul, 2012128
3162224273031Nov, 2013153
4578101215Dec, 201361
4578192431Dec, 201598
4589121925Dec, 201082
451012152123Nov, 201890
451122232628Aug, 2016119
4689111619Mar, 201673
461819222326Sep, 2018118
4789151923Jul, 201085
491618202122Dec, 2018110
4121319252629Dec, 2017128
4212426272829Oct, 2018159
56819252728May, 2015118
571112162131Oct, 2010103
571216192225Oct, 2018106
58912161719Mar, 201686
581618252627Jul, 2015125
5101112141624Aug, 201692
67916182628Mar, 2011110
681216182327May, 2012110
681320242530May, 2015126
681727293031Sep, 2016148
6121516202931Mar, 2011129
6121720232430Oct, 2010132
6131822252731Apr, 2011142
791018192129Apr, 2011113
8101213252731Jun, 2012126
8131622232829Dec, 2018139
8171923252627Aug, 2016145
9101114162627Oct, 2015113
9101718232831Apr, 2011136
9121416223031Jan, 2015134
9152022232731Dec, 2010147
10121517212429Oct, 2012128
10121617182829Dec, 2016130
10151921242830Feb, 2014147
10171926282930Oct, 2012159
11121517212425Oct, 2012125
11141524252630May, 2016145
12141620232829Jun, 2018142
12162022262829Jul, 2010153

1 TO 31, By Year

Pecentage of Total Drawings where
all Numbers were from 1 to 31
was 3.4 percent

131216202930Dec, 2018111
26910151930Dec, 201891
3457192228Dec, 201888
3101523242629Dec, 2018130
491618202122Dec, 2018110
25811162531Dec, 201898
8131622232829Dec, 2018139
451012152123Nov, 201890
382528293031Nov, 2018154
4212426272829Oct, 2018159
571216192225Oct, 2018106
141316252731Oct, 2018117
461819222326Sep, 2018118
351011121524Jun, 201880
17813152022Jun, 201886
12141620232829Jun, 2018142
34814202430May, 2018103
1267161926May, 201877
351217253031May, 2018123
14613192123May, 201887
1192023283031May, 2018152
4121319252629Dec, 2017128
1101316222527Dec, 2017114
1579101726Sep, 201775
251118242529Apr, 2017114
15611121525Jan, 201775
10121617182829Dec, 2016130
3111415222527Nov, 2016117
681727293031Sep, 2016148
3101215182031Aug, 2016109
451122232628Aug, 2016119
8171923252627Aug, 2016145
5101112141624Aug, 201692
11141524252630May, 2016145
4689111619Mar, 201673
58912161719Mar, 201686
3121315202629Feb, 2016118
4578192431Dec, 201598
9101114162627Oct, 2015113
34512152331Oct, 201593
291321283031Oct, 2015134
581618252627Jul, 2015125
37914273031Jul, 2015121
12311132627Jul, 201583
1111215162729Jun, 2015111
281115162028Jun, 2015100
681320242530May, 2015126
2389132229May, 201586
56819252728May, 2015118
9121416223031Jan, 2015134
1257202931Mar, 201495
36811142631Feb, 201499
10151921242830Feb, 2014147
14910151727Dec, 201383
4578101215Dec, 201361
27912182431Nov, 2013103
3162224273031Nov, 2013153
2101115202122Nov, 2012101
10121517212429Oct, 2012128
11121517212425Oct, 2012125
10171926282930Oct, 2012159
3141517222730Jul, 2012128
2121319273031Jun, 2012134
8101213252731Jun, 2012126
3101319212328May, 2012117
681216182327May, 2012110
2121418202627Mar, 2012119
1259162931Mar, 201293
1789101526Nov, 201176
231120232529Nov, 2011113
181316212930Apr, 2011118
9101718232831Apr, 2011136
6131822252731Apr, 2011142
25710222628Apr, 2011100
2367112529Apr, 201183
791018192129Apr, 2011113
25923262931Mar, 2011125
6121516202931Mar, 2011129
1121315172729Mar, 2011114
191314182024Mar, 201199
17825262831Mar, 2011126
67916182628Mar, 2011110
9152022232731Dec, 2010147
4589121925Dec, 201082
571112162131Oct, 2010103
6121720232430Oct, 2010132
35813142329Aug, 201095
181119202528Aug, 2010112
4789151923Jul, 201085
12162022262829Jul, 2010153
161317182529Jun, 2010109
1235141625Jun, 201066
23922252831Jun, 2010120

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