....statistics on the Ohio Classic Lotto by

By Highest Frequency

Know Your Patterns!

It could mean the difference between winning or losing. The following Table lists the cohort patterns from best to worst. If your cohort patterns for your chosen number combinations fall into the worst categories, consider changing them and improve your chances of winning.

What's a Cohort Pattern? It's choosing how many numbers you should have from "1 to 9", or how many from "10 to 19" etc.

Be a winner! Only pick from the best!

Any draws held on days other than Monday, Wednesday or Saturday do not show up in the Weekday column but all totals are shown in the rest of the columns.

Best Cohorts
By Highest Frequencies
Low Numbers are 1 to 24


Cohort Range Patterns

Number of Odd Numbers

Number of Low Numbers



1 to
10 to
20 to
30 to
40 to
5611211 121319129 123212 1171425
5621111 2415161081 2630 10142220
5412111 510181281 2628 16132120
5211121 68181541 2032 37181519
4111112 24151082 2417 93111317
37 2211 781453 10207 43171010
321212 210983 1319 388915
30 1212 56991 7167 391011
30 2112 1516611 1713 11410911
301 221 461181 10155 1216915
30112 2 51546 11163 91497
301122 12412821 8166 2711127
282 112 341083 1513 369811
27122 1 349821 7173 751098
271221 257931 8154 7910710
27211 2 2481021 1017 191089
272121 1241091 5193 178136
2612 21 224126 26 461394
25 2121 117943 916 1168107
252 121 115954 916 1629106
2521 21 26971 25 631195
25221 1 1448521 1312 319511
24 1122 18762 159 497710
24 1221 1 6872 8142 677125
231 212 1151051 7124 969104
23121 2 359321 1112 22869
232112 14117 914 2913911
221 122 7645 715 226967
222211 19471 166 4985
201 311 66611 8102 40677
1911 22 11296 19 871045
191311 1 2124 118 1036310
181113 666 108 0576
1812 12 16272 18 624311
18212 1 354312 693 65855
17 1113 3572 89 21665
17 1131 124532 107 47278
17111 3 3932 98 8665
171131 54431 791 69836
1721 12 133631 17 15566
1722 11 112364 17 12674
16 3111 15622 511 35259
16311 1 15262 97 85394
14 1311 27311 176 24374
141 131 15233 77 11554
141 2 3 1742 311 237563
14131 1 14621 77 6464
1422 2 16142 14 269293
13 13 2 373 148 308427
1313 11 265 13 356256
132 2 2 3631 544 29733
12 22 2 2541 345 307453
12 222 11451 282 34732
12 32 1 33321 273 82552
1211 13 3324 12 241543
122 211 1443 192 208255
11113 1 12251 1631 284344
112 31 6212 11 48326
10 1 23 153 1 10 175325
10 2 31 21331 10 860 37
10 3 12 112411 10 71127
103 111 111322 64 28433
1031 11 21241 10 268712
9 123 2223 63 134333
9 213 2331 243 174432
9 321 12321 261 15345
9 2 13 11331 9 132252
9 2 22 52 2 9 7324
9 3 21 1233 9 255 4
9 31 2 1 62 54 167342
9 321 1 4121 162 106324
911 31 1413 9 338432
92 22 1152 9 125423
92 1 3 5211 18 5144
9222 216 351 329441
8 222 2141 251 340215
8 11 4 1232 53 51233
8 21 3 332 26 323242
8 231 233 53 5735
81 3 2 3311 341 642 53
813 2 3122 8 577431
83 1 2 143 35 25 3
831 2 143 8 171242
832 1 1331 8 187431
7 132 12121 25 592313
7 12 3 1 231 151 194142
7 123 1 24 52 73412
7 132 331 142 168232
7 312 111 31 52 54412
71 41 11122 7 328412
73111 2122 43 42232
6 33 3111 6 305321
6 312 312 222 575123
6 213 13 2 24 527114
61 113 15 33 524 2
612 3 132 6 218222
612 3 1 32 6 74132
6123 24 123 90123
613 2 11 31 6 68115
62 13 51 6 10943 3
62 13 1 23 42 1695 1
62 22 1221 312 3352 4
623 1 1 5 6 475411
623 1 1311 6 170123
6312 123 123 206123
5 1 32 211 1 5 401311
5 23 1 1 22 14 86131
51 23 2 3 5 4302 3
51 23 1211 221 344122
51 41 1211 14 603221
521 3 32 5 375131
5213 2111 221 225212
522 2 221 5 61311
53 12 14 32 195212
4 231 1 12 13 290121
41 32 21 1 211 48422
41 4 1 31 31 39722
4132 112 4 20112
43 12 11 2 4 129121
43 21 121 4 59121
43 21 112 22 827112
44 1 1 112 22 560 4
3 114 11 1 3 88212
3 2 4 1 1 1 3 11142 1
3 24 12 3 78312
3 33 1 11 21 239111
3 1 41 2 1 3 978111
3 114 3 12 10972 1
31 32 1 11 3 31921
31 1 4 1 2 3 611 12
314 1 12 3 913
32 3 1 111 3 26521
321 3 1 2 3 12951 2
3231 111 3 600111
33 2 1 21 3 1110 21
331 2 111 3 64612
332 1 12 3 264 3
34 11 111 12 303111
3411 1 2 21 353 3
342 1 11 3 19321
2 24 11 2 759 2
2 4 2 11 1 1 3911
2 411 1 1 2 732 2
2 42 11 11 818 11
2 1 14 11 2 2292
2 141 2 2 11082
2 24 11 2 1307 11
2 4 2 2 2 411 2
2 411 2 2 12611 1
2 42 2 11 3011
21 5 2 2 111111
211 4 11 2 2472
2141 2 11 1590 2
22 31 11 11 1289 11
224 11 2 6611 1
23 3 11 2 30611
2321 1 1 11 9251 1
24 2 2 2 14772
1 42 1 1 1596 1
1 51 1 1 1860 1
1 141 1 1 779 1
1 3 3 1 1 1281 1
1 1 5 1 1 641 1
1 14 1 1 1 1739 1
1 15 1 1 1146 1
1 2 4 1 1 15941
1 2 4 1 1 1460 1
1 3 3 1 1 581 1
1 33 1 1 953 1
1 4 11 1 1 1581 1
1 41 1 1 1 15521
11 14 1 1 108 1
11 14 1 1 531 1
111 4 1 1 1661
12 4 1 1 198 1
12 4 1 1 950 1
12 4 1 1 791 1
13 3 1 1 1224 1
13 3 1 1 849 1
133 1 1 9491
14 11 1 1 4031
14 2 1 1 834 1
141 1 1 1 152 1
15 1 1 1 1755 1
15 1 1 1 6401

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